During the planning for the introduction of our horror film introduction, we had to design a Production Company that isn't already existing. During this creation, we had to create the company name and logo. the picture below shows the first idea we had. We have slightly edited the image below to create our final piece, as shown below.
Our company logo must imply what kind of movies the company produces. Our company produces horror movies, so that is what the logo must imply. This can be done through colours, and positioning of text
We have used the colours Black and Red, as they are linked with horror themes. Black representing fear, death and danger, and Red representing blood and caution. The black also makes the red text stand out, drawing the audiences attention to the company's name. We decided to blur and drag the 'K' in this way so that it looks like dragged blood. We curved the left side of the 'K' to make it look like the devils horns. the rest of the 'K' looks like dragged blood. Both implying the theme of horror.
The image above shows our first idea. This was our final piece :
We have used typical colours tat are related to horror themes. These colours, plus the face in the background, makes it obvious that we are a horror film production company. We used industry standard software (Adobe Paintshop) to create our logo for our production company. The use of this helps to give the logo a professional look.
We've decided to use the word 'Karma' in the title as it can be associated with bad luck. We believed that this is very appropriate, considering our initial ideas for the movie.