Just from this task alone, I have learnt that filming, no matter how short or long, requires a serious amount of effort and editing to create a decent piece of work. I have learnt many new skills and knowledge that will aid me when it comes to producing our main task for this course. I learnt about all the different camera angles, movements as well as Match on action and the affect they have on the audience.
Part of the preliminary task was to know how to use the camera, as simple as it sounds. You have to make sure that, during filming, it is level, focused, at the right height and kept in the same position for the duration of that scene, so that, when it comes to putting it all together, it looks effortless and flows well.
During the editing, I learnt how to put the different styles parts we have filmed together to make the video flow well. I did not do the main editing, but by observing the other people in my group, I have learnt these skills. The group feedback we received was extremely encouraging and helpful, even though our video was too long. We were told we had done a great job and that we had filled the requirements for the preliminary task, however, there were 1 or 2 scenes in the preliminary task that could have been made smoother.
If I were to re-complete the preliminary task, I would use a better quality camera with a better mic, as the audio to our preliminary task was not every good. I would also practice a little bit more with the editing software we were using so that when it came to editing, it would look smooth and of a good quality. My group used Adobe Premier Pro to edit our task as it is seen as a more professional program to use for editing.
I believe that the planning of the preliminary task went extremely well. We did not rush and the planning was consistent throughout. We took time to plan as we wanted to ensure that our product was to the best of our abilities as well as being sure that we were prepared to film. Overall, I believe that the preliminary task went extremely well, considering we have never done anything like this before. Improvements could have been made here and there but for a first try, I think we did well.